
Showing posts from July, 2017

 This includes brown sugar, raw sugar, turbinate, and cane and beet sugars. Monosaccharide’s (Fructose, rather than glucose, in this case) Higher fructose (fruit sugar) content is found apples, mango, pears, watermelon, peaches, sugar snap peas, canned fruit, dried fruit, and fruit juice. This is where you should investigate your individual tolerance to certain fruits and find your threshold level. In other words, may be able to eat one apple, but not two apples or an apple and another food, such as cheese. High fructose corn syrup and agave should always be avoided due to their excessive fructose levels. Honey may or may not be a problem in the diet, especially in low dietary amounts and depending on the source and quality of the honey. Honey and higher fructose content tends to crystallize more than honey and less fructose and more glucose. Polios are also known as sugar alcohols (Orbital, Manito, Multirole, Xylitol and is malt). Most are too large for simple diffusion from the sm