This includes brown sugar, raw sugar, turbinate, and cane and beet sugars. Monosaccharide’s (Fructose, rather than glucose, in this case) Higher fructose (fruit sugar) content is found apples, mango, pears, watermelon, peaches, sugar snap peas, canned fruit, dried fruit, and fruit juice. This is where you should investigate your individual tolerance to certain fruits and find your threshold level. In other words, may be able to eat one apple, but not two apples or an apple and another food, such as cheese. High fructose corn syrup and agave should always be avoided due to their excessive fructose levels. Honey may or may not be a problem in the diet, especially in low dietary amounts and depending on the source and quality of the honey. Honey and higher fructose content tends to crystallize more than honey and less fructose and more glucose. Polios are also known as sugar alcohols (Orbital, Manito, Multirole, Xylitol and is malt). Most are too large for simple diffusion from the small intestine, creating a laxative effect on the GI tract. They are found naturally in some fruits and vegetables and added as sweeteners to sugar-free gums, mints, cough drops, and medications. Polios will produce osmotic diarrhea when consumed in quantities above an individual’s personal threshold, (especially when they are added as a sweetener), or in combination and other sources. Apples, apricots, avocado, cherries, raspberries, long an, leeched, nectarines, peaches, pears , plums, prunes, mushrooms, cauliflower, mushrooms, snow peas, and almonds all contain somewhat higher levels of polios (xylitol). The added sugar alcohols should be removed 100% from the diet. Omitting from your diet if you feel you are sensitive can have dramatic effects on your entire health. Energy levels often increase, sleep improves, blood sugar becomes more balanced, (since an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut is no longer consuming many of your carbohydrates for energy), mood improves, and many other symptoms improve as your gut heals. Ideally you should refrain from all the for at least a couple weeks, longer if your symptoms are not fully resolved by then, but continue to improve.Body Blast Cleanse After a good two weeks of being symptom-free you can try adding in various foods to check your sensitivity and tolerance levels to certain foods. You may find that you can’t eat a food such as wheat at all, but perhaps can handle some dairy periodically such as a particular cheese, for example. In essence, you figure out your threshold – the point at which your symptoms return but you must first clear them out of your diet one hundred percent! Some physicians recommend using herbs, and even medications (antibiotics) to help rid the body of bacteria overgrowth quicker than just refraining from the foods that feed it. I have seen this beneficial, but also see it to be very individualized. In some patients I have found they respond well to herbs such as Ova Uris and Goldenseal, whereas other patients such as biotin and beanie hydrochloride work well. However, whatever the case, total omission of is necessary – the just tend to help resolve symptoms quicker especially if they “accidently” snuck a food into their diet. Unfortunately, homogenization also damages the milk quite severely. It causes the fat particles to be surrounded by whey and casein, which is unnatural. Also, the fat particles may be absorbed directly into the blood stream and out being digested because they are so small. This is very bad for the body because fat should be digested before it is absorbed. This can contribute to milk allergies and other problems. Hybrid cows. Due to special breeding, most cows today produce a lot more milk than cows did 100 years ago. However, the cows are not hormonally balanced, and the result is much less healthful milk. To counter this trend, a few dairies are bringing back what are called heirloom cows. These are some of the older breeds of cows, and this is an improvement. Drugs in the milk. Antibiotics, and perhaps hormones and other drugs are given to some cows. These pass easily into the milk. Organic milk or locally raised may be better, but not necessarily. Other additives. Some milk has chemicals added.
